

There are two classes allowing to represent network structures.

  • Rank_model is used to represent a network structure with a given number of nodes, and define the ranking of its node pairs, but is independent on the desired number of edges and of the function used to define the probability to observe an edge between two nodes given their rank.

  • Graph_generator is a model that can directly generate networks with a given number of nodes and expected number of edges. An instance can be created from :class:`Rank_model.

Details of the classes

class structify_net.Rank_model(nodes, sort_function, sort_descendent=False, node_order_function=None)

Bases: object

A class to represent a rank model

A rank model is composed of a list of node pairs, ordered such as the first ones are the most likely to be connected. It can also contain node properties, and a node order, which is the order in which the nodes should be plotted in a plot matrix. It can return a graph generator(provided a proper probability function), which can be used to generate graphs based on this rank model.

Node properties are useful to match the edge order with the structure, it can be used to store the spatial position of nodes or the community membership of nodes, for example.

Example of usage:

my_model = Rank_model(range(n),lambda u,v: u+v)
my_generator = my_model.get_generator(epsilon=0 ,m=30)

sortedPairs (_type_): A list of node pairs, ordered such as the first ones are the most likely to be connected node_properties (_type_, optional): node properties provided as networkx graph or dictionary. Defaults to None. node_order (_type_, optional): The order in which the nodes should be plotted in a plot matrix. Defaults to None.

__init__(nodes, sort_function, sort_descendent=False, node_order_function=None)

Initialize a rank model from a sort function, for given nodes


nodes (_type_): Nodes, provided as a networkx graph or a list of nodes. If a networkx graph is provided, node properties can be provided as node attributes sort_function (_type_): a function that takes two nodes and the nodes as argument, and returns a score for the edge between the two nodes sort_descendent (bool, optional): Whether to sort by descending values of the scoring function. Defaults to False. node_order_function (_type_, optional): A function definiting an order on the nodes, for plotting. Defaults to None.

generate_graph(epsilon, density=None, m=None)

Generate a graph from this rank model

This function generates a graph from this rank model and a probability function. The probability function is defined by the epsilon parameter and the density parameter. One of the two parameters density or m should be provided. If both are provided, m will be used.


epsilon (_type_): the epsilon parameter of the probability function density (_type_, optional): the density parameter of the probability function. Defaults to None. m (_type_, optional): the number of edges in the graph. Defaults to None.


_type_: _description_

get_generator(epsilon, density=None, m=None)

Return a graph generator for this rank model

One of the two parameters density or m should be provided. If both are provided, m will be used.


epsilon (_type_): the epsilon parameter of the probability function density (_type_, optional): the density parameter of the probability function. Defaults to None. m (_type_, optional): the number of edges in the graph. Defaults to None.


_type_: _description_

plot_matrix(nodeOrder=None, ax=None, **kwargs)

Plot a matrix of the rank model

Node pairs are ordered by rank. The color of the cell is the rank of the edge.


nodeOrder (_type_, optional): the order in which the nodes should be plotted. Defaults to None. ax (_type_, optional): an axis to plot on. Defaults to None.

scores(m, scores=None, epsilons=0, runs=1, details=False, latex_names=True)

this function computes scores for a rank model

It computes scores for a rank model, for a given number of edges m. The scores are computed for a range of epsilon values, and for a given number of runs.


m (_type_): number of edges in the graph scores (_type_, optional): the scores to compute. A dictionary with the score name as key and the score function as value. Defaults to None. epsilons (int, optional): either a single value or a list of values for epsilon. Defaults to 0. runs (int, optional): number of runs for each epsilon. Defaults to 1. details (bool, optional): If True, return a dataframe with the details for each run, else return a dataframe with the mean. Defaults to False. latex_names (bool, optional): Whether to use latex names for the scores. Defaults to True.


_type_: _description_

class structify_net.Graph_generator(rank_model, probas)

Bases: object

A graph generator

This class instantiate graph generators. It is composed of a Rank Model Class, and a list of probabilites, such as the index of the probability in the list corresponds to the index of the edge in the rank model.

Example of usage:

my_model = Rank_model(range(n),lambda u,v: u+v)
my_generator = my_model.get_generator(epsilon=0 ,m=30)
g = my_generator.generate()

rank_model (_type_): A rank model sortedPairs (_type_): the node pairs, sorted from the most likely to the least likely to be connected, same as in the rank model probas (_type_): the probabilities of observing an edge, one for each edge, sorted in the same probability as the sortedPairs


Generate an Erdos-Renyi graph


n (int): number of nodes p (float): probability of an edge


nx.Graph: a graph

__init__(rank_model, probas)

Create a graph generator


rank_model (_type_): A rank model probas (_type_): the probabilities of the edges in the rank model. Should be a list of the same length as the number of node pairs in the rank model


Generate a graph based on this generator


nx.Graph: a graph

plot_matrix(nodeOrder=None, ax=None, **kwargs)

Plot a matrix of the graph generator

The color of the cell is the probability to observe an edge between the two nodes.


nodeOrder (_type_, optional): the order in which the nodes should be plotted. Defaults to None. ax (_type_, optional): an axis to plot on. Defaults to None.

plot_proba_function(cumulative=False, ax=None)

Plot the probability function This function plots the probability function of the graph generator. It is a plot of the probability of an edge to exist as a function of the rank of the edge in the rank model.


ax (_type_, optional): a matplotlib axis. Defaults to None.


_type_: a matplotlib plot

scores(scores=None, runs=1, details=False, latex_names=True)

return a score dataframe for this generator


scores (, optional): A list of scores to compute. Defaults to None. runs (int, optional): nombre de runs pour les scores. Defaults to 1. details (bool, optional): if True, return a dataframe with the details for each run, else return a dataframe with the mean. Defaults to False. latex_names (bool, optional): if True, use latex names for the scores. Defaults to True.


pd.DataFrame: a dataframe with the scores